His Inspiration
Shrimad Rajchandra

Shri Kanjiswami
Pujya Gurudev SHri Kanjiswami was born in Umarala, Gujarat in V.S. 1946 (1889 AD). Kanjiswami was instrumental in starting a new revolution in the percept and practice of Jainism, thereby putting thousands of souls on the true path of salvation. The philosophy and truth have always been there since time immemorial but their true exponents were not in this modern age. It was already ordained in the Agams, as propounded by the Tirthankaras, especially Mahavir Bhagwan.
However, the knowledge was clouded and in the absence of it’s true interpretations, practitioners were led to believe and practice certain principles, which were not in accordance with what Mahavir Bhagwan had said. It was all a case of clinging to the form rather than the substance, and Mithyatva, false belief was reigning supreme.
Kanjiswami shed new light on what the Lord had preached and showed us the true eternal path. Gurudev gave the most correct interpretation of the Agams, and unravled various principles. Using the glory of his own Self-Realisation, he showed how the soul was completely detached from each worldly surroundings and the true darshan, gnan and charitrya were the basis of true religion. Nobody can understand true religion, unless he follows the three fold basis in it’s entirety.